

How To Track And Find The Stolen Camera?

Posted: 20 May 2011 11:01 AM PDT

Is your camera lost or missing? Has your camera been stolen? If so, stolencamerafinder can help you find out where it is now.

This website can help to locate a missing camera by searching for photos on the web that have been taken by that camera.

There are currently over 1 million camera sightings in the website's database and counting...

Every photo you take with your digital camera contains hidden information about both the image and the camera such as the make, model and date. This information, called exif data, can also include a unique serial number which identifies your camera.

stolencamerafinder crawls the internet searching for photos, collecting the serial numbers of the cameras that took them.

When you use the drag & drop feature, stolencamerafinder reads the unique serial number from the exif data of your photo and uses it to match against serial numbers it has stored.

Visit the website Here

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