

Barcode Yourself : Website That Makes Individualized Barcode Information

Posted: 30 Apr 2011 08:47 AM PDT

The series of lines on virtually everything you can buy today is called as a UPC (Universal Product Code), more commonly known as The Barcode. The original barcode was patented in 1952 and started out as a combination of concentric circles rather than the lines of varying thickness that we recognize today.

The invention of the barcode is responsible for speeding up checkout lines and allowing for easier inventory management. No longer does a cashier have to search for the errant price tag to key in the amount manually.

Literally anything can be barcoded. Have you ever wondered what you're worth?

Barcode Yourself is a complete, interactive experience in the series of barcode art, created using the personalized data of participants. Enter an individual's gender, weight, height, age and location, and the barcode is formed using real-world data. The system assigns you a price value based on age, gender, location, height and weight, much like an insurance company would calculate risk assessment or longevity.

The individualized barcode can then be printed, mapped, scanned, even depicted on a t-shirt or coffee mug.

It is in scanning a barcode that the project reveals its humor, like a banner that reads: Disclaimer! Human beings are not merely worth somewhere between one cent and 10 dollars. With the complexity of mocking self-identity, Barcode Yourself lays out a fresh absurdity in the modern world of consumerism.

Visit Here To Barcode Yourself.

Source: barcodeart.com

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