Automatically Publish BLog Feed in Google Plus.

So Google plus is a nice social Engine and it helps you to increase link juice. Since this social Networking site is made by Google itself, you may have some good effects on your search engines. So you might like to publish your blog posts or share your blog posts in Google plus as soon as you publish it on your blog. For this I have seen or I have found just one idea. For this you will need to have same account for your blogger and your Google plus. Once you have it, in blogger you have an option to integrate your Google plus and blogger account. Once you do this, you are automatically asked to share your posts on Google plus once you post it in your blogs. Other than this there is not any idea to publish your feeds automatically to your blog. This is the only way you can do this.

Since Google plus may be a handy tool for all the webmasters you might like to do this. For now there are not any other ways to do this task, so better we use this one. So for now try this one and later when we know more, we shall post it here.

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