Fifa 2012 Cheat Codes and Tricks

So you are here to know special cheat codes and tricks on FIfa 2012, you can click here to know.

There are some of the codes that EA sports have decided to add but did not add later. This means that some of the versions have this codes working. Try it may be yours one works. It is said that 35% of the games Fifa2012 supports this code.

GoalKeepba: Decreases Opponent GoalKeeper's strength.

StopGoal: Doesnot allow any Goal, Keeper stops everyone.

Penalno: Oppenent Player missed penalty shot.(Do it before taking penalty shot by opponent. Just press ESC key and code and again resume the game to see the change.)

NoFoulNow: You can make any sliding challanges but it wont be foul.

Note these codes are to be operated while the games are paused.

Fifa 2012 Cheat Codes
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